Culinary/Fellowship Ministry


Culinary/Fellowship (A Benevolent Ministry)

Culinary – This involves: a. contacting members for donations of food and condiments for fellowship functions b. preparing food for fellowship functions c. serving food for fellowship functions
d. cleaning up after fellowship functions
e. serving food for the bereaved families after funerals of members


The Culinary Ministry is responsible for the selection of menu, the contacts for donations of the selected menu items, the purchase of such items when purchases are to be made, the preparation or the supervision or appointment of persons for the preparation of food items for time of Fellowships and Receptions, whether they are breakfasts, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper or after evening receptions at the church. The Culinary is also responsible for the serving of the menu items, and the clean-up of the church kitchen both before and after functions. Those who work with The Culinary Ministry meets as called. All who work with The Culinary Ministry are expected to help in all areas of responsibility of the ministry.


Our scriptural basis for this ministry is: Acts 2:42-46
Fellowship – This involves: a. arranging and facilitating social/religious functions for married couples b. arranging and facilitating social/religious functions for singles
c. arranging and facilitating social/religious functions for the church membership

The Fellowship Ministry is responsible for Fellowships and Recreation among Couples, Singles, and Youth groups as individual groups, as well as the fellowship of these groups as a whole with one another.

Such functions which are to be planned and scheduled by The Fellowship Ministry include: a. Retreats for Couples b. Retreats for Singles c. Retreats or Lock-Ins for Youth d. Annual Church Banquet e. Annual Church Picnic f. Annual Church Vacation (Field) Trip g. Prayer Breakfasts h. Sweetheart Luncheons or Dinners
i. Covered Dish Suppers
The Fellowship Ministry is responsible for the planning of the programs of each of these functions with the intent to meet the needs of each person in each respective group. The Fellowship Ministry meets on Wednesday nights after the third Sunday in each month.
Our scriptural bases for this ministry are:
1 Corinthians 16:15
Acts 2:42